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The Good Member Guide
Register Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 9:32 am by »SeReNiTy«
While these are not 'rules' per se, they are important. We want to encourage quality members here. If you are going to contribute to this forum, you should take note!

1. Give an opinion and back it up with a reason. Throwaway comments such as "Game X pwnz because my friend and I think so!" could be considered pointless at best, and inflamatory at worst.

2. Give your own opinions, not …

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Site Rules
Register Icon_minitimeSun May 02, 2010 11:42 am by »SeReNiTy«
Welcome to the UnitedGamingNation.tk Here are the general forum rules:

1. This is a privately owned forum. We reserve the right to accept, decline or revoke memberships.
2. The management reserves the right to make judgement calls. We can't write a rule for everything. If we see nonsense on the forum we will take care of it and let you know why. This is the "no nonsense" rule.

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» The Good Member Guide
Register Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 9:32 am by »SeReNiTy«

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Register Icon_minitimeWed May 05, 2010 4:47 pm by »SeReNiTy«

Welcome to the UnitedGamingNation.tk Here are the general forum rules: 1. This is a privately owned forum. We reserve the right to accept, decline or revoke memberships. 2. The management reserves the right to make judgement calls. We can't write a rule for everything. If we see nonsense on the forum we will take care of it and let you know why. This is the "no nonsense" rule. 3. No content that is considered racist, obscene or objectionable will be tolerated. All such posts will be deleted without notice. This includes avatars. 4. You will not violate a persons privacy by publishing against someone's will information that is private and personal unless you have evidence of a crime or scam. Your post will be deleted if you cannot back up your claim. 5. Personal attacks on others will not be tolerated. We take politeness very seriously. You are welcome to challenge others points of view and opinions, but do so respectively and thoughtfully. 6. Create threads in the proper forum. Threads created in the wrong forum are subject to deletion. 7. Do not spam the forums, we encourage quality posts. Do not cut and paste your own posts, or those from other forums. Do not double/triple post if you want to add something to a previous post please use the edit function. 8. Do not promote your own website, company, or service in any of the forum categories. This includes starting a thread, or replying to a post. If a member is seeking assistance or looking for a certain type of product, the best way to offer your services is to send a PM. 9. Promoting other similar forums (or any forum that resembles the structure and/or content of Gamesforum.com) in your posts, signatures, or in any way on the forum is not permitted. 10. Affiliate links of any type are not allowed in posts, signatures, or anywhere else on the forum. The Owner of this forum is the only one permitted to post affiliate links. 11. Your forum signature may not exceed 3 lines and 200 characters in length, and may contain no more than two links. Image sigs must not exceed 450x150 pixels. Violations of these rules will be corrected without warning 12. Users may disagree with the decisions or actions of the moderators and/or administrators, however, disagreements, criticism and the like are not to be aired within the forums. Please feel free to PM the person directly rather than air your dirty laundry in public. 13. Any abuse towards our staff and/or management will result in immediate suspension of your account. 14. Violation of the rules will result in a warning and possibly a ban, depending on the severity of the violation. Warnings will be issued by PM. Permanent bans are at the discretion of the Moderators and the Admins. 15. Please enjoy the debates and discussions and do your best to lead by example in creating a civil environment of mutual understanding, learning and fun! 16. Rules subject to change without notice. 17. No links in your sigs if you have less than 30 posts

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